I’m not sure about your greyhound, but my greyhound, Brother, suffers from ETS – Escaping Tongue Syndrome. Escaping Tongue Syndrome is not unique to greyhounds, but for some reason, greyhounds are experts in this. We sometimes call this a ‘blep’ or a ‘derp’; A ‘Blep’ is often when the tongue pokes out the front of the mouth and a ‘derp’ is often used to describe a dog that appears to be broken. But, whatever you call it, Escaping Tongue Syndrome is adorable and endearing.
Brother is missing one of his canine teeth. This seems to be one of the main causes for his ETS. It never ceases to amuse me when we’re out walking, he does a massive shake and following this his tongue is often left poking out the side of his mouth. He seems to be unaware of the amusement this causes me and others passing by.

We want to celebrate ETS. So, we’ve created a gif that you can add to your Instagram Stories. You can find the gif by searching for it in Instagram or by visiting Giphy. For those of you looking for it, here is the link: https://gph.is/st/m8AVWyE
I would love to see your best ETS picture. Please feel free to tag us in your Instagram posts. We’ll definitely check your post out and if you use the sticker on your story let us know. We would love to be able to re-share your post to our followers and fellow greyhound lovers.
Use the hashtags: #ETS #IHEARTGREYHOUNDS
We love to include a greyhound with Escaping Tongue Syndrome in many of our designs. The greyhound on our Colour Guide products, our original design, has ETS. If you’re looking for a unique greyhound gift for someone, or for yourself, look no further than these designs in our store. There are 16 different designs to choose from and can be applied to many products from homewares to t-shirts and mugs.